
如果你跟我一樣是看表坊相聲長大(對我真的蠻老的),喜歡李立群的單口相聲,那你應該會喜歡這位Lewis Black。美國脫口秀主持人很多,也有不少知名喜劇脫口秀演員像很多美國人都喜歡的SeinfeldLewis Black是實驗室的人聊天的時候介紹給我的。我看了兩段youtube,完全笑趴在桌上。他表演與眾不同的地方在於對時事的犀利,還有他恰如其分的激動和咒罵,相當妙啊。

[0:09] I was amazed to realize that we are the only country that tells the rest of the world on nearly constant bases that we are the greatest country on earth. And THAT, is a little fxxking obnoxious.


[1:07] The amazing thing is there are people who’ve never left this country who talk about the fact that we are the greatest country on earth. How fxxking dumb is THAT?!

[1:24] There are countries that may be giving shit away everyday! Canada is one of those countries. Do you know what they give away? HEALTH INSURANCE!


[3:38] Acidophilus milk? Milk doesn’t need a friend! That shit belongs to the yogurt section.


[3:47] Lactose-intolerant milk. @$%^@$! If you are lactose-intolerant, you can’t drink milk. So what’s in the fxxking carton? Get it out of there! Get it away from my milk! It is talking to my milk and making it feel bad about himself.
乳糖不耐牛奶?!! (一句我沒辦法說的咒罵) 如果你有乳糖不耐症,你沒辦法喝牛奶。那這樣那盒子裡裝的是什麼?把這東西拿走!離我的牛奶遠一點!它會跟我的牛奶交談,然後讓我的牛奶覺得自卑!


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